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Friday, July 15, 2005 

Grandma, I Love you but …..

Have you ever had someone in your life that no matter what you do they find something to criticize. Ok so my grandma is going to be 89 this year and I do love her but man is she a bitch. These are the things I would like to say to her.

1.Yes I had kids young (I was 19) but I have been with the same man for almost thirteen years and were married, stop betting me up about the same thing.

2.Yes have put on some weight. Did you think I didn’t notice that when I get dress everyday?…. Oh but it hasn’t stop my man from trying to get some every night...lol

3. Yes I wear short skirts (anything above the calf to her is short), highheels and makeup. I like to look nice. That does not make me a hoe……am I suppose to where turtlenecks and sweatpants in the summer …I don’t think so.

4. Yes I like to go out and have fun. I work all day and when I get home I work all night. I deserve a break……Amen

5. If you ever think that I will choose you over my own Mother your just crazy…..you have issues with her I don’t .… to me she is a queen and if you fuck with her you bring out the devil in me.

6. Last but not least ……YOU’RE A BITCH…. But I love you anyway. May god bless you and keep you well … but he better watch his back when you get to heaven ….lol

Whew!!!!! Glad I got that off my chest.

My grandma was a bitch too and althought she passed away along time ago, I still pray to GOD to forgive me for feeling hate towards her.

What a great site

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