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Tuesday, November 22, 2005 

RAMBLIN-A Crazy Person and Orange eyebrows

Why is it when I’m on the bus or the train the crazy people always want to talk to me? I am not really a morning person. I don’t really want to talk to anyone that’s why I always carry my Ipod-mini but sometimes I forget and that’s when the Crazies want to chit-chat.

I get on the bus last week and I head to the back to find me a seat. I see this man that looks like he is talking to himself but i'm thinking he has an earpiece and I just can’t see it. So I sit 2 seats away from him . Everything is going fine and then he taps me on the shoulder…” Are you a native New Yorker,” he asks

Oh man I don’t want to be rude but I don’t want to talk to you.
I just nod yes and hope that he leaves me alone NO SUCH LUCK. He taps me again” can I talk to you”? Of course he doesn’t let me answer and starts to go on and on about how he is from Jersey and that we New Yorkers are rude…. Know I was gonna defend my New Yorker self but by now he is talking to me and the person in his head so I decide that I am not messing with crazy today and I let him go on until I reach my stop.

Today I get on the bus and who’s on the bus? You guessed it Mr. Crazy…. I look toward the back of the bus and quickly detour to the front. Sitting across from me is a lady in her mid-fifties and she has Orange eyebrows. Not Red, orange. Like the kind you find in a box of crayons. Now I tried and tried not to look at her eyebrows but I just couldn’t help it, its like when a women has a mustache and she is talking to you, you can’t help but stare at her mustache like: “don’t she know she has hair on her face” but fortunately she got off at the next stop or I was going to be bugging out on her eyebrows the entire time.

I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for you. You know what they say, once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a reason to take another bus.


Hopefully you have tomorrow off and won't have to see anyone you don't want to.....

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


I agree with ON....subway, cab...anything other than the same bus at the same time every day...lol

Hey you.......

Enjoyed a lot!
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