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Thursday, June 01, 2006 

Its My Bloggerversary... I missed you guys!!!!!!

Can you Believe It's been a year since I started Blogging?

Hello blogger buddies sorry about my hasty exit but I needed to get a few things in my life in order. I decided that I needed to put “Me” first for a change. So in my effort to get back in touch with “me” I decided that there were many aspects of my life that I wasn’t completely happy with so I decided to tackle each one by one.

1. My weight
By most people standard I would be considered “chunky” but my standards I see myself as TOO CHUNKY. So I decided that its time to take control of my body and what I put into it….. No more Cheese cake, no more Bacon, egg and Cheese and Light on the rice. I am happy to say that with working out and watching what I eat I am down 8 pounds (go me)

2. My personal Life
If shit don’t work there is not reason to keep trying to fix it.(nuff said)

3. My business life
I like my job but I am so not killing my self and I think I need to step up my game, so its back to school for me. I’m looking into a few places and hopefully by September I’ll be a student.

4. Putting in the me time
I need to start taking time to just “BE”….. without all the drama.

So what have I missed?

oooohhhh... I chimed in, right on time I see...

Let's see, what's new with me...
- Had a great memorial weekend, did it up nicely in the A.T.L.
Brought some NY crew down, and fam.

- I got my first writing assignment for a local newspaper, which, I get to play reporter. I'm siked.

- Maybe in P.R. working come August.

- Lastly, the best thing, since slice bread this month, is I am still enjoying my new rasor phone.... can I tell you how bootleg, my last phone was.... couldn't hear, had to lick the cord to charge... bang it to see... it was a hot mess... lol.

Well lookey here... I have taken up, my blog stroll time... see what U made me do Msnhim! Lmao...
Gotta run!

Welcome back and Happy Bloggaversary.

The most important thing that I heard you say is. . .

Everything. From taking control of your health to your personal life to everything else.

The most important thing is, in your break, YOU took personal responsibility for everything, too stock of what you needed to do in your life, and handled it.

For that, you rock.

Happy BLOGGERVERSARY!!!! I'm taking a sip of water on the rocks for you LOL....well as you stated on my blog you need to catch up so I'll let ya do that...pause....pause...aight back glad your doing things for you and congrats on the 8 pounds I'm right there with ya girl I think I gained a pound back so needlesstosay I will be attacking outside to walk that crap off LOL

So glad that you came back...your presence in blogland HAS BEEN MISSED!!! And as you've read on my blog...SAME SHIT - DIFFERENT DAY!! That's fantastic that you've taken time for yourself...and know that whatever changes that are taking place within your life right now are timely to your personal growth...don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't worry about what people are thinking while you're workin on getting YOU right (because questions DO come when people start changing shit up). Keep in mind that just because YOU'RE changing, everyone else may not be on board...so fuck'em! HAHAHAHAHAHA...CONGRATS!! Do your thang!!

oops...I'm supposed to be under The Phoenix...I hacked into the new person's account and changed the password back to my old one! HAHAHAHA...shhhh...don't tell nobody!!

Welcome back
Happy ANniversay
hope alli s well!!!!

Happy Bloggerversary!

You have been missed! Glad your back :)

Happy Bloggerversary!!!!!!!! You left right after I found your spot. Welcome back

Woooohooo! I was just thinking about you and was going to post a comment and then bloglines said YOU WERE BACK!

Let's see...

-- I'll be 32 TOMORROW!
-- I don't think I've lost any weight but I have been going to the gym like a nut! Ummm we gonna hafta talk about those 8lbs and how you managed to get them off. Mmmmkay!
-- Work is work. I don't love it but I don't hate it either.
-- No personal life...rather no sex life! So nothing to talk about there.
-- Personal life is cool. I rather not complain!


Happy Bloggerversary and Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see . . . I turned 28 last Sunday, and celebrated for the entire month of May . . . besides that, you haven't missed much.

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