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Monday, October 17, 2005 


This is just something I was thinking about. When you fill out questionnaires be it for work or whatever and you get to the box marked Race (i.e. White, Hispanic etc.) what do you do if your Bi-racial. Do you consider yourself to be more one that the other and if so what?

For those of you that are not bi-racial how do you view this topic?

I had this conversation with my sister . We are Puerto Rican, her husband is 1/2 Irish, 1/2 italian. they have two kids..... You see where Im going with this.

I don't think these questionnaires take into consideration that there are alot of Bi-racial people in the world.

What do you think?

I think that they should take into consideration that there are many biracial people and allow them to check as many boxes as applies, even if it means all of them as well as defining the rest under "other". I don't know if I'm feeling a biracial box. I don't even know why they make you check a box in the first place, you know.

I think that they should just do away with boxes and just leave a line where the person writes in their race (and I've seen a lot of applications that are now doing this lately).

Pick "other" ( I do) and I'm mocha baby... I hate labels, all they do is box in stereotypes (mostly) and not give way to freedom to be "you."

In my humble (non-mixed) opinion if you are "part-black" or "part-hispanic" then you are "black" or "hispanic". But....it's not always that simple.....what if you're "black AND hispanic"....hmmmmm....more shades of grey..... But...Im still think that a bit of blackness means you're black......

But the real question is: should it matter??? I don't think so ( I know...I'm sounding all "we are the world-like") :-)

You've made a very good point! I never stop to think about something like this at all.....

How unfair!


My friends just don't sign. They just give folks the shock of their lives when they walk in the door. Many folks just put a line there and I don't know how I feel about that either...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! »

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