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Friday, January 20, 2006 

Ask Me Anything!!!!!!

I just got back from taking the kids Iceskating and like Nicky said " I am no Dorthy Hamil"LOL. I am exhausted and I am getting together with Blogger buddies for drinks tonight. In order to make that happen I need a nap.

So I am going to open myself up to ya'll . I don't realy have anything to write about right now so .....

Ask me anything? Doesn't matter what it is. I will post all answers in the next few days.

Make them interesting question people, dont worry I can take it! Have a great weekend!

Edit { These are interesting, I'll be posting my answers soon}

1. do you have a crush on any blogger you have met?

2. What is your best quality?

3. Do you like to give advice or receive advice?

4. Was I missed at the blogger meetup being that I couldn't go?

5. If someone came to your door with three small children saying that a old high school friend had you down as next of kin to raise her children (she passed way) what would you do?

6. What is your favorite number?

7. What is the best compliment someone has ever gave you?

8. Why am I not at this damn meetup?

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hehehe...ok I know the directions you gave were specific...I'm supposed to ask questions...but I don't have any.

But since "Anonymous" asked your readers to ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS, thought I'd entertain the idea (seeing how it's 1 a.m. and I'm getting ready to pass out)

1. no
2. no
3. thongs
4. Rick James (yeah, I said it)
4.5 (not sure if that was a typo) Free therapy
5. I'd make him really LISTEN.
6. yes (and I'm not saying who)
7. Event Planner
8. no
9. no sex with animals or multiple men.
10. Yes I'd do it, yes he'd watch.

I am going to steal Will's question and ask the same....

What does your blogger name mean?!?!? Hmmmmmm....

Since you are your parent's favorite child.....do you have a favorite amongst your children?!?!

What is a typical day like in the life of Msnhim???

Hope you had a good weekend!


The one question I wanna ask...well...I'll keep it to myself...too many eyes...LOL

But I CAN'T wait to see your answers to Anon's questions...and you better answer them all dammit...LOL

Hope you had a good weekend.

*..and about the pics...your a pretty girl! As for the bod...I am telling you the pictures come out beautiful and if the photographer is a professional...what you don't want to show, won't be seen AND will still come out sensual.

damn hurry up man! LOL

No fair, will took my question....

can you cook? if so what's your favorite dish?

favorite book?

favorite blogger post (by you)?

1. Have you been doing any driving lately?
2. What's your dream vacation?
3. If you weren't an Administrative Assistant, what would you be doing?
4. Has the situation in the romance department improved for you?

P.S. I love the new look!

1. What is the one thing (sexually) that you will never, ever, ever do??

2. What is the one thing (sexually) that you have always wanted to do but have never done due to inhibitions or just plain shyness??

Keep up the good work » »

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