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Thursday, January 26, 2006 

Let talk about sex.. again

It seems that I have "sex" on the brain. Its one of my favorite topics of discussion so here we go ...

Do you feel comfortable talking about sex? I don’t know about most but I have no problem talking about sex to my partner or anyone else for that matter. There are people who are just not satisfied sexually but feel funny saying that. I may need to learn a little tac when it comes to bedroom batter but I think I get my point across. Every body has a freeky side, whether you admit it or not we all do but today’s questions are

1. Do you feel comfortable asking for what you want in bed freeky or otherwise?

2. Why or Why not?

Keep it real people.

Well hell, after being with a man for 10 years I BETTA be comfortable enough to tell him what I want and need from him...and let me say this...there was a time that I wasn't really into oral (receiving) - and my husband has made me a BELIEVER!!! WHEW!! He's like a puzzy eatin MASTER!!! WOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEE!! And no, I DO NOT SHARE!! You gotta get ya' own! HAHAHAHAHAH

It depends on the partner. Funny, huh. I was with a man for 7 years and let me tell you we talked about everything and did it all! No problems there.

My last relationship...not so much. After several years I was able to let loose a little bit but not as much as I would've liked.

He just made me feel like he held me up on a pedestal (sp) and if I even suggested certain things I'd be this dirty woman. Now, he may not have felt that way at all but for some reason that's how I felt he'd react so I wouldn't even try it.

Tell ya one thing I'll definetly make sure the next relationship we do it all! No holds barred!

If I know the person and we have been together for a while...then yes I am comfortable telling them what I like, how I want it, and how long I want it to last LOL however I know for me I'm just coming to grips with who I am sexually and still feel a lil shy at times...I think because as a lil girl I was always taught that most things are nasty or I'd be a nasty girl if I did something but I've since found out (a long time ago) that of course that's not true..good questions.

1. Do you feel comfortable asking for what you want in bed freeky or otherwise? Nope....

2. Why or Why not? If I just lay there and take it...where's the enjoyment in that! I may want it from a different angle, or want to be more in control....I have to say something to get my freak on too dang it! ~lol~

You can never talk about too much sex for me! *smile*

Good post!


Very comfortable talking about sex. Just not with my mother! Hubby, hell yeah and I would speak up but we've got it all down pat no need to talk unless a few cuss words fly out! LOL!! Just like a well oil machine by now!

SA says talking abt sex is all I do all day. Not that i wanna be its apart of my job. So talkin abt sex with mate a piece a cake.
Asking for what i want NOOOOOOOOO problem. Getting what I want is another thing. I think most people have that problem. asking is not that hard.
But when it comes to thge bed i feel u need not save anything for tomorrow. Be like kobe go KOBE go 81 every night. Sexually that is!!!!

If you're comfortable with the person you're with you should have no problem asking for what you want in bed. Settling for being unsatisfied will easily transfer over to other aspect of the relationship and the relationship won't last long.

I don’t have a problem talking about it with my sisters and friends. I will not admit to them just how ‘freaky’ I can be though, so I guess that means I’m not ‘completely’ comfortable huh?

Yes, I’m completely comfortable asking for what I want and need with my partner. I think this is only because my boo and I have been together so long and he makes me feel so comfortable. I don’t have to hold back or be shy with him. I free to be the “real me” and I love that he makes me feel this way. We talk about it on the phone a lot to, especially the day after a great love making session and like when we are still at work and we are making plans for what we are going to do to each other that night, LOL. If I were to begin seeing someone new, I don’t think that I would be so open.

This was a great question!!!!

No I don't have a problem asking about anything regarding sex. WHY? because my partner and I are very vocal about what we want and need. The question is will I be will or will he be willing to do the thing each of us ask.

Oh, I'm very comfortable and open when it comes to talking about sex. I don't have any reservations about telling my man what I want and how I want it!

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