OUCH!!!!!...... Circumcision
This may be a sensitive issue for you men but I’m a little curious. How many of you are circumcised? I know this is an awkward topic but my friend’s man had this done yesterday and he is 25! I just wondered if your not already “cut” why do it now? I’m sure that there may be issues (some guys don’t take care of them selves) but to go get it done now… scary.
I wonder
Does it feel different for them after the fact?
What is the difference as far as the women? Can you tell the difference between one that’s “cut” and one that's not? Do you have a preference?
Would you have your son circumcised?
I knowthis is weird but my friend brought it up and I thought I'd share it with my fellow bloggers
I'm circumcised. I never would've chosen it for myself. As such, I'd never have my son circumcised (if I ever have a son).
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:09 PM
I have never heard of a grown man going and getting that done.
I have seen both and perfer circumcised. Maybe that's why he did it. So many men are maybe no one wanted to get busy with him :)
If I ever have a son he will be circumcised
Posted by
Brandi1977 |
12:48 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
Hali |
1:38 PM
My ex-boyfriend was not circumsized. It was a big deal for me. It is the ugliest thing to look at. It was disgusting to me. When it was hard it looked normal, but still....ewwww. He had issues too because he was never comfortable when I would grab it or mess with him. I begged him to consider getting it done. He said he would think about it. Never did though. I wouldn't go down on him because of it. The 2 times in the 3years we were together, I did and he wanted to hold it like he was emabarrassed for me to handle it. They have to do extra to keep it clean and I've even seen him wipe after peeing before. I just think it should be done. I have a son and I definitely had him circumsized.
Posted by
Hali |
1:39 PM
WTF? All I can say is "ILL"
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:17 PM
WOW @ this post...lol...I dated a guy once who wasn't cut and there IS a difference.
Both of my sons are cut and I did it for hygenic reasons.
Posted by
ThatGirlTam |
5:10 PM
I am piggybacking on Tam with this one. . .
Yes, I think that circumcision is appropriate, and YES, I have been with a man that is uncircumsized. It was a very interesting experience experience. It was definitely a difference.
Yeah, I don't particularly like thinking about it right now.
By the way, the only one of my brothers who wasn't, my mother took him when he was like 15 and the doctor said it had fallen off or something weird just talking about this is grossing me out.
Posted by
P |
7:03 PM
I would do it for my son, and I'm pretty sure it feels different lol
Posted by
courtney |
11:40 AM
SA=SUPERANONYMOUS says Hey ladies its just a preference. Some men may be this way because of religious reason, health reasons and Hygiene concerns. Medically there is no real health concern but it depends on the man reasons or his parents when he is a child. IS there a difference sexually yes/no, that depends on the female and the female only.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:18 PM
They have to do extra to keep it clean and I've even seen him wipe after peeing before.
Do you wipe after peeing? What's the difference?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:20 PM
A friend of mine has done it. He is under the illusion that it will give him an edge in the sack. I'd let my son do it, but the doctor had better not miss, 'cause if he does, he loses his!
Posted by
Unknown |
4:45 PM
I have never been with or even seen a grown man uncircumcised either, but I would have to say I would prefer circumcised and I will definitely have my son circumcised to (if I ever have a son).
Posted by
Superstar Nic |
10:09 PM
My son was circumcised when he was 3 months old. It's not custom to do so in my culture, but his doctor urged me to do it.
Posted by
Cutie Cola |
9:27 PM
I love your blog! So interesting.
I have to say from what I know alot of jamaican men are not circumcised and I'm not sure why. But my dad has friends who are getting circumcisions done now at like 40 and 50 years old. Apparenly its more "sanitary" and they dont have to worry about pushing back the foreskin and cleaning away all the "smegma". Personally I preferan circumcised cuz I dont have to worry about whether or not they cleaned themselves properly and sometimes during rough sex the foreskin can tear...dont need no blood around my area..TMI Im sure!
Posted by
Ananse's Web |
2:49 PM
Good topic. I haven't noticed a real BIG difference between teh 2. I do PREFER for them to have it done but its not like Im taking a questionaire and based on the answer stop messing with the people. My ex had his done when he was 21 and it was the worse thing he ever experienced. and to top it off you couldn't have any kinda sexual contact for like 2 months.
Posted by
NegroPino™ |
10:07 AM
Circumcision is not more sanitary. Modern hygiene is sufficient, just as it is with women. It may be appropriate for the lazy, but parents can't know whether or not their children will be too lazy. It's not acceptable to punish them all because a few are lazy.
As for smegma, women produce more than men. What should we do about that?
Let's see, tearing of the foreskin... With a tight circumcision, tearing can easily result because the penis has no slack like it would with a foreskin. Hence, the possibility of blood.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:39 PM
I agree with those who say it's appropriate to circumcise. I don't think it's good to do it after birth, but I fully support it when adult and as a way to prepare for a successful sex-life as well as showing some respect to your wife. I did it and don't regert, smells better, I perform better and it looks a helluva lot better.
Posted by
Circumcised as adult - it's way better |
2:16 AM
This subject comes up sometimes with my girlfriends and honestly not one of them prefers uncirced guys! They say that some women prefer uncut but I have never heard any girl talk against circumcision. Personaly, I much prefer the cut and would have any sons done. Even my mother who is 64 years old says its far better. Carmen
Posted by
Carmen |
4:48 PM