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Monday, April 03, 2006 

Over sexed? I say No!

It has been brought to my attention that lately my blogs focused has been mainly about sex. I disagree I don’t only talk about sex I do sprinkle in the sex part but I wouldn’t go as far as to say my blog is only about sex. It just happens that I enjoy sex and I enjoy talking about sex. Who was good, who was bad, and what I would love to try, but its not like I have these conversation by myself…. It would seem others are also interested I just happen to be the one bring it up.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine while on the way to a sex shop (I was out of a few things. LOL) But I could see that she wanted to spill a few things but she look nervous… so I made it crystal clear to her that whatever she was into was her business and if she wanted to talk about it I wasn’t going to judge her … that’s just not my style. Turns out what she’s into is nothing compare to other stuff I’ve hear.

So I am sure that for the most part if you are in a relationship you feel comfortable talking about what you like with your partner but do you feel comfortable talking about it with your friends and I don’t mean the G rated version of the conversation I mean the XXX Rated version. The one were you would fully disclose you being into S&M or something taboo like that. So today’s question is

Do you feel comfortable talking to your friends about the XXX rated version of your Sexlife?


I wouldn't say "i don't feel comfortable with it" But as far as the extreme details i leave out out of respect to my hubs and our relationship. Don't get me wrong, my friends know about alot, but some things i keep a secret for just me and him :)

I cant talk to them broads...they think im Gay/Bi.....They think I can't/don't have sex and that I dont know what i m doing......so i tend to keep it bottled up and BLOG about it .:)

We talk about everything. Being that a couple of my close friends are gay males, I have heard some s*** that I didn't want to hear, but I am always open to talk and listen.

I'm tagging you

The rules are
1. Who ever I tag has to come up with 10 different points of their perfect lover
2. Mention the gender of target
3. The person tagged has to tag 8 people and leave them a comment letting them know they have
been tagged.

Sex is sex.... fuck if you judge me on it but if your my friend why would you judge anything I do?

IF I discuss my "happenings" behind closed doors with someone...then it's usually someone that I have no problems discussing it with. If I decide to do it on my blog...that's fine too because for the most part it is anonymous and even then....I generally don't look to my commentors for "advice" but as entertainment purposes, the same as with my stories.

I feel comfortable talking about all of the details with my best friend. I tell her all of the details of everything.

I wouldn't however tell other people. Shit that's how you get your man taken right out from under you :)

I don't have a problem talking about it, but I don't have a lot of friends who feel comfortable talkingabout it. I do have one friend who I share stories with all the time. Hell, just the other day, she left me a voicemail while she was getting fucked (if you don't believe me, come see me sometime in the next 30 days and I'll play it for you)

No, I can't say that I'm comfortable talking about the XXX rated portion, LOL. I will toss around hints, but I never fully discloses.

Well, I take that back. I'll will talk about it if one of my friends asks me something specific (only to answer the question).

I talk to some friends about it and others I don't...

It's not a comfortable thing, its more of an understanding thing. Some of my friends are on my level sexually and others aren't. So, they may not understand some things or know what I'm talking about...Which makes for a boring conversation for me...

i'm like u i enjoy sex and sometimes like to talk about it cause it healthy. u might educate or be educated. as far as my friends or people i won't mind but people are too judgemental. and sometimes what u share or explain to people they mis-interpret the info. i wish i could be more open with my man. we have a blast but i wish i had more confidence to let him know what i want and when i want it!

Girl, you just bout it bout it, don't trip.

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »

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